Your Position: Home > D2R Non-Ladder (PC) > Weapons > Claws > [D2R Non-Ladder] Magic Greater Talons - 2 Assassin Skills - 3 Lightning Sentry - 2 Sockets

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  D2R Non-Ladder (PC)

[D2R Non-Ladder] Magic Greater Talons - 2 Assassin Skills - 3 Lightning Sentry - 2 Sockets

Market price: $34.44
Our Registered users: $29.95
VIP - Silver: $29.35
VIP - Gold: $28.75
VIP - Platinum: $28.15


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Some gameplay tips:



Question: The damage of the claws are really low, are they good claws?


Answer: Yes, they are. These claws are for trappers so physical damage of the claws doesn't matter. Only the skills matter. 


Question: Do I need faster cast rate or increased attack speed?


Answer: Increased attack speed. It helps to lay traps faster. If you plan to use the claws as main hand (the slot above gloves), they are usually socketed with jewels with 15% increased attack speed. If you plan to use the claws as offhand (the slot above boots), then increased attack speed is not necessary because due to certain game mechanism, the offhand IAS does not count.

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