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[D2R Ladder] Assassin Lightning Trapper Full Gear (Normal)

Market price: $11.33
Our Registered users: $9.85
VIP - Silver: $9.65
VIP - Gold: $9.46
VIP - Platinum: $9.26


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 Main equipment:

Helm: Harlequin Crest
Armor: Enigma Mage Plate
Weapon: Heart of the Oak Flail - 30-34 Resist All
Shield: Spirit Monarch 
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope 20-24 Risist All
Ring 1: Stone of Jordan
Ring 2: Stone of Jordan
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Magefist
Boots: Shadow Dancer


Weapon: Call to Arms - 1-3 Battle Orders
Shield: Spirit Monarch for casting Battle Orders











Some gameplay tips:


Question: Why choose the Lightning trap? Why do you choose the Lightning Sentry to attack? If the lightning traps and the fire traps are added at the same time, there will be fire and lightning traps at the same time. It can deal with immune monsters. Will it make gameplay easier?


Answer: Lightning traps have more synergy skills, higher damage, very long range, and penetration. There are many advantages. The Lightning sentry is the most powerful trap of all lightning traps. If you go with the lightning and fire traps, it will definitely make the damage greatly reduced because of lack of skill points. In addition, after actual combat testing, the attack mode of the wake of inferno is not as good as the lightning sentry, and the efficiency of the non-fire immune monster is not too good.


Note that the fire blast skill is fire damage, so even if the trap is lightning, there will still be fire damage, and you can still deal with the lightning immune monsters.

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