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[D2R Ladder] Javelin Amazon Full Gear (Elite)

Market price: $45.83
Our Registered users: $39.85
VIP - Silver: $39.05
VIP - Gold: $38.26
VIP - Platinum: $37.46


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 Main equipment:

Helm: Griffon's Eye (-20% Resistance, +Damage 11%+)
Armor: Chains of Honor Archon Plate
Weapon: Titan's Revenge (Ethereal) 180%+ Enhanced Damage
Shield: Stormshield - 148 Base Defense - Perfect
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope 30 Resist All
Ring 1: Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band 5% Life Leech
Ring 2: Ravenfrost - 20 Dexterity & 240+ Attack Rating
Belt: Thundergod's Vigor - 200% Enhanced Defence - Perfect
Gloves: Amazon Gloves - 3 Javelin/Spear Skills & 20% Increased Attack Speed
Boots: Sandstorm Trek - 15 Strength & 15 Vitality


Weapon: Call to Arms - Perfect 6 Battle Orders
Shield: Spirit Monarch for casting Battle Orders


Hellfire Torch: Amazon Hellfire 15-19 Resist All / 15-19 All Attributes
Annihilus: Annihilus unidentified
Charms: 6 X Amazon Javelin & Spear Skill Grand Charm
Charms: 6 X +20 Life Small Charm











Some gameplay tips:


Question: What is the skill of lightning fury? Why use it as the main attack skill? I think it's damage is not high. Can you clear a 7pp secret cow level in hell?


Answer: The Lightning Fury is a wonder skill. 


1 Lightning Wrath is similar to spells. It doesn't calculate the hit or miss rate. As long as javelin flies past the monster's body, you can hit it. (Some monsters have block attributes that can block Lightning Fury by chance).


2 When the lightning fury skill is cast, it is a javelin (with lightning damage + physical damage). After the javelin hits the monster, hits the wall, or reaches the maximum range, the lightning bolts will erupt. but there is a BUG, ​​and the lightning bolts released after the maximum range is not displayed visually on screen, but they are still effective in terms of damage.


3 Although the lightning fury "releases N lightning bolts" (N = skill level +1), the actual number of lightning bolts released will not exceed the number of monsters in a certain range. For example, there are 10 monsters in the attack range, and your lightning fury at level 22 can release 23 lightning bolts, but only 10 of them can be released in the actual attack. That is why the more the number of monsters, the more powerful the Javelin Amazon is.


4 Unlike the multiple arrows (a monster is hit by at most one arrow), an exploding lightning bolt can hit a monster at the same time. Unlike Strafe had a 4f attack delay, a lightning bolt hitting a monster would not make the monster invincible for a short period of time.


5 Pierce is very useful for lightning fury! When the javelin penetrates the monster, the lightning bolts erupts, but the javelin does not disappear, it keeps flying, and after hitting the next monster aother lightning bolt explosion, if it still penetrates, it will continue to fly... A single javelin can penetrate at most 4 times, hit 5 monsters. that is, if you cast a skill, you may have up to 5 lightning bolts explosion!


Therefore, the lightning fury is definitely a good choice for grinding secret cow level.

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